PT. ICA is the pioneer of the CGA industry in Indonesia and occupies the fifth position in the Asia Pacific region besides Japan, China, Australia and Korea in processing bauxite into Chemical Grade Alumina (CGA). In addition to being a pioneer in fulfilling the requirements of the Indonesian Mining Law to process raw materials domestically, it will also be a driver for the development of competitiveness and added value for the alumina-based industry in Indonesia in the future.
Chemical Grade Alumina (CGA) generally refers to chemical products in the form of aluminum hydroxide and alumina which are used for various industrial applications except the aluminum industry. Aluminum hydroxide is a semi-finished product that can be used for water purification. While alumina can be used to produce electronic supporting components. Some products that use CGA include refractoriness (abrasive materials), abrasive, assembled products, Integrated Circuit (IC), and basic materials for LCD screens.
The CGA project in Tayan, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Indonesia, will process Antam's bauxite reserves to produce 300,000 tons of CGA per year. These CGA products will be exported to Japan and other countries, and also to be sold in the Indonesian domestic market.
Alumina processing at Tayan is planned to produce CGA products by processing bauxite ore through the Bayer process into alumina products with a capacity of 300,000 metric tons of Al2O3 (alumina) base per year. The Bayer process consists of three stages, namely the continuous dissolution process (liquor purification process), deposition process, and calcination process.
This product will be supplied to various industries that utilize alumina to produce detergents, paper, cement, water treatment, refractoriness, abrasives, polishing, glass ceramics, and others.
The Tayan CGA factory will produce more than 100 types of alumina hydrates and alumina products. To produce this product, the production process at Tayan will be carried out in the factory architecture based on "Process Bayer" technology owned by Showa Denko, Japan, which has more than 70 years experience in operating the plant in Yokohama. Alumina processing is specifically carried out by grinding, mixing, processing, and many others. Products packaged in paper bags, jumbo and bulk bags, are stored in warehouses before being sent to the market. Product delivery will be carried out via barges from Tayan Port to Pontianak and continued loading to ships to be delivered to the destination.
Being a trusted, prestigious and internationally leading company in the Alumina industry.
Produce high-quality alumina products according to customer requirements through the best industry practices.
Utilizing resources optimally by paying attention to work safety, environmental sustainability and sustainability.
Maximizing company value for shareholders and stakeholders.
Improve the competence of human resources in accordance with the needs and development of the company's business.
Quality policy
PT. Indonesia Chemical Alumina is committed to achieving customer satisfaction through continuous improvement in products and services.
To achieve this target we will:
Meet all customer requirements and provide agreed quality standards.
Improve the quality of the process to achieve levels of productivity, quality, safety and health, and the environment in accordance with "best practice"
Carry out company activities by continuing to be committed to complying with all regulations.
Improve the skills and competencies of employees to effectively meet changes in customer requirements and the development of the company's business
We will communicate this policy to each employee and periodically review it for compliance.
Corporate Value
Customer Focus
IntegrityEvery agreement on a cooperation agreement is always based on the principle of honesty and fairness
Customer Focus
We are here to satisfy consumers, by providing the best quality products and sustainable value, we ensure our customers get superior products to meet their needs
We are all responsible for each other, our customers and our investors. Individual accountability is very important to achieve the overall goals and objectives of the company
Dua hari nih tidak update tentang lowongan kerja terbaru, maklum weekend kan perlu liburan juga. Gimana liburan sobat? Semoga menyenangkan dan kembali bersemangat untuk beraktifitas besok hari. Langsung aja, kali ini info Lowongan Kerja atau Loker BUMN untuk S1 Terbaru datangnya dari PT. ICA. Ada yang tahu tentang PT. ICA? Nah akan memberikan sedikit pengantar tentang BUMN yang satu ini.
Sekilas tentang BUMN PT. ICA
PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (PT ICA), anak perusahaan salah satu BUMN, adalah perusahaan patungan antara Antam dan SDK yang merupakan perusahaan Jepang, dimana porsi saham masing-masing adalah 80% dan 20%. PT. ICA akan membangun Pabrik Chemical Grade Alumina (CGA) di Kecamatan Tayan, Kabupaten Sanggau, Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Memerlukan umpan bijih bauksit sebanyak 1,7 juta ton (setara dengan 850.000 ton bauksit tercuci) dengan kapasitas produksi 300.000 ton CGA per tahun, dimana CGA ini akan diekspor 200.000 ton ke Jepang dan 100.000 ton di Indonesia. Pabrik ini sedang dalam pengerjaan Engineering oleh konsorsium EPC dari Jepang dan Indonesia.
Dengan dibangunnya Pabrik ini mulai Februari 2011 sampai dengan 2014, maka ini adalah pabrik pertama Chemical Grade Alumina yang ada di Asia Tenggara, dan tentunya ini merupakan kebanggaan kita semua sebagai bangsa Indonesia.
Cukup segitu pengantarnya, kita langsung masuk ke Loker BUMN untuk S1 Terbarunya… Saat ini PT Indonesia Chemical Alumina (Persero) memberi kesempatan berkarir dan mencari beberapa tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :
Boiler Turbine Generator Engineer (BTGE)
Minimal S-1 Electrical or Mechanical Engineering, usia maksimal 35 tahun
Memiliki pemahaman tentang BTG, serta berpengalaman di bidang pengoperasion Power Plant Batubara minimal 3 tahun
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi tinggi, baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris
Memiliki kemampuan komputer minimal Ms. Office
Bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaannya
Jujur, pekerja keras serta mandiri
Dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan dan target
Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di lokasi kerja Tayan site, Kab. Sanggau Kalbar
Process Engineer (PE)
S-1 Chemical, Metallurgical or Material Engineering from Reputable University
IPk minimal 2,75, Usia maksimal 35 tahun
Memiliki pemahaman konsep serta lebih disukai berpengalaman di bidangnya
Memiliki kompetensi kepemimpinan dan mampu mengelola tim
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi tinggi, baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris
Memiliki kemampuan komputer minimal Ms. Office
Bertanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaannya
Jujur, pekerja keras dan kreatif serta mandiri
Dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan dan target
Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di lokasi kerja Tayan site, Kab. Sanggau Kalbar
Tata Cara Melamar Loker BUMN untuk S1 Terbaru
Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan berkas surat lamaran Anda dengan disertai CV, fotocopy ijazah dan transkrip nilai, pasphoto terbaru (4×6 cm) kirim ke :
Learning & Development (HRD)
PT. Indonesia Chemical Alumina
Antam Building 4th Floor
Jl. TB Simatupang No. 1 Lingkar Selatan, Tanjung Barat, Jakarta 12530
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