Jadwal Seleksi rekruitment PT. CIMB Sun Life Juli terbaru

PT. CIMB Sun Life. Perusahaan tersebut sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja karyawan, nah bagi Anda yang berminat silahkan baca dulu artikel selengkapnya sebagai berikut:

Jadwal Seleksi rekruitment PT. CIMB Sun Life Juli terbaru

PT. CIMB Sun Life
About Sun Life Financial Indonesia

Since 1995, PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia (Sun Life) has provided a variety of wealth protection and management products, which include life insurance, education insurance, health insurance, and old age planning to customers. At Sun Life, we have a clear goal: helping our customers achieve financial stability and lead a healthier life.

Every year Sun Life Financial Indonesia experiences significant growth in the markets where we operate. We continually strive to improve our products and services to meet the needs of our customers.

Our employees and financial planners always work hard to gain customer trust, and we will continue to develop agency distribution channels (conventional and sharia) and partnership distribution. At present we provide a variety of innovative products to customers through more than 132 conventional marketing offices and 49 sharia marketing offices throughout Indonesia.
About Sun Life Financial

Sun Life Financial is a leading international financial services company that provides a variety of insurance products, as well as wealth and asset management solutions, both for individuals and corporations. We operate in a number of key markets throughout the world, namely Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Bermuda.

We have the ambition to become one of the best insurance and asset management companies in the world by helping customers achieve financial stability and lead a healthier life.

As of December 31, 2017, the Sun Life Financial has total assets under management of CDN 975 billion

Sun Life Financial Inc. traded on the Toronto (TSX), New York (NYSE) and Philippine (PSE) stock exchanges, with the SLF stock code.

Customer service
All aspects of our activities are focused on improving customer experience and making their lives better.

Corporate social responsibility
Sun Life Financial Indonesia is committed to helping Indonesian people achieve financial stability and lead healthier lives. We have helped thousands of underprivileged Indonesians to get a more decent life through the Sun Bright program which was launched in 2016.

PT CIMB Sun Life merupakan perusahaan asuransi jiwa patungan antara CIG Berhad (bagian dari CIMB Group), Bank CIMB Niaga, dan Sun Life Financial Inc. Setahun setelah beroperasi, PT CIMB Sun Life menerima Best New Company of the Year 2010 dari International Business Awards-Stevie Award, Amerika Serikat karena kinerja yang luar biasa pada seluruh aspek bisnisnya.

Sebagai penyedia utama produk-produk asuransi jiwa, kecelakaan, kesehatan dan investasi bagi para nasabah Bank CIMB Niaga, PT CIMB Sun Life membuka peluang karir sebagai:

Insurance Relationship Advisor (IRA)- Timika


Job Description
Memasarkan dan/atau mengatur pemasaran produk-produk asuransi jiwa dari CIMB Sun Life kepada para nasabah CIMB Niaga di Indonesia.

Paket Remunerasi:

- Pendapatan tetap setiap bulan

- Komisi penjualan setiap bulan

- Asuransi kesehatan

- Insentif lain berupa: uang tunai, barang terkini, perjalanan ke dalam dan luar negeri

- Program pelatihan dan pengembangan yang bersertifikasi dan berkesinambungan

- Kesempatan pengembangan karir yang luas

- Pendidikan minimal D3 dengan prestasi yang baik
- Muda dan enerjik dengan tingkat mobilitas tinggi
- Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Memiliki motivasi dan komitmen untuk sukses
- Menyukai tantangan dan ambisi untuk mencapai target
- Berpengalaman dalam dunia pemasaran akan menjadi nilai tambah
- Diutamakan berdomisili sesuai area penempatan

Segera kirimkan surat lamaran, Curriculum Vitae (CV), fotokopi KTP, pas foto 4X6 (berwarna), fotokopi ijazah pendidikan terakhir, dan fotokopi sertifikat pelatihan yang pernah Anda ikuti (bila ada) dengan mencantumkan posisi yang Anda minati, ke:Info selengkapnya bisa Lamar Perusahaan Jepang


Wisma Metropolitan I, Lantai 3
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 29
Jakarta 12920
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