Info seleksi BUMN PT. Petrokimia Gresik (Persero) Terbaru

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PT. Petrokimia Gresik (Persero)

PT. Petrokimia Gresik (persero)
PT Petrokimia Gresik is a complete fertilizer plants in Indonesia, which at inception called Surabaya Petrochemical Project. The building contract was signed on August 10, 1964, and came into force on December 8, 1964. The project was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on July 10, 1972, which was then set that date as the anniversary of PT Petrokimia Gresik. Our vision is to be a manufacturer of fertilizers and other chemical products are highly competitive and most popular consumer products.
Our missions are support the provision of a national fertilizer to achieve food self-sufficiency program, improve operating results for the smooth operations and business development company, and developing the potential of business to support the national chemical industry and play an active role in community development.
Currently we are inviting potential candidates to join our company as follow
Lowongan untuk :
1. Kepala Produksi (KS)
2. Staff Administrasi (SA)
3. Sekretaris (SKR)
4. Supervisior (SR)
5. Customer Service (CS)
Lokasi Kerja di : Semarang, Makasar, Surabaya, Jakarta, Balikpapan
Persyaratan :
Indonesian citizens (WNI)
Male/Female, with maximum age 25 years (born after 28 February 1987)
Minimum GPA 3.00
Minimum TOEFL Score 475 (certificate attached)
Physically and spiritually healthy
Not color blind
Not tied to a bond to other company
Fasilitas yang diberikan :
Suasana kerja kekeluargaan
Karyawan tetap
Gaji pokok
Tunjangan lain-lain
Employee day
Penghargaan untuk karyawan yang loyal
Dan lain lain
Alamat Surat, dsb : Kelengakapan berkas lamaran :
1. Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
2. Foto Copy ijazah dan transkrip
3. Fotokopi KTP.
4. Pasphoto ukuran 4 x 6 cm

Info selengkapnya baca keterangannya Kirim lamaran ke perusahaan

Kirim ke Email :

No. Telp. : (62-21).4011,5559 Fax; (62-21).4011,5559

Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan kerja ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).

Tanggal Penutupan : 29 Agustus