Jadwal Seleksi Penerimaan Pegawai PT. Pertamina (Persero) Terbaru

PT Pertamina (Persero). Perusahaan tersebut sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja karyawan, nah bagi Anda yang berminat silahkan baca dulu artikel selengkapnya sebagai berikut:

jadwal seleksi pertamina

PT. Pertamina (Persero)
Pertamina mencari individu-individu berbakat dan berpotensi yang mampu mencerminkan tata nilai perusahaan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang mengakselerasi pencapaian visi Pertamina: menjadi perusahaan migas nasional kelas dunia. Kembangkanlah ide, kreativitas dan inovasi anda sebagai solusi dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas operasional sampai dengan pengembangan bisnis. Temukan berbagai pekerjaan dan tugas yang menantang dan berbagai pilihan tempat bekerja. Anda akan bekerja sama dengan rekan kerja dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, profesi dan budaya. Temukan pengalaman berharga dan rasakan bagaimana semua hal tersebut dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dan kompetensi anda.
Pertamina is looking for talented and potential individuals who are able to reflect the company's value system to be part of a team that accelerates the achievement of Pertamina's vision: becoming a world-class national oil and gas company. Develop your ideas, creativity and innovation as a solution in order to improve operational quality up to business development. Discover a variety of challenging jobs and assignments and a variety of workplace choices. You will work with colleagues from various educational, professional and cultural backgrounds. Find valuable experiences and feel how they can develop your abilities and competencies.

PT Pertamina (Persero) was previously named the 122nd National Oil and Gas Mining Company in the Fortune Global 500 in 2013. It is a state-owned enterprise tasked with managing oil and gas mining in Indonesia. Pertamina once had a monopoly on the establishment of gas stations in Indonesia, but the monopoly was abolished by the government in 2001. The company also operates 7 oil refineries with a total capacity of 1,051.7 MBSD, petrochemical plants with a total capacity of 1,507,950 tons per year and LPG plants with capacity a total of 102.3 million tons per year. Pertamina is a joint result of the Pertamina company with Permina which was established on December 10, 1957. The main director (President Director) currently in office is Dwi Soetjipto as President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero). He replaced Karen Agustiawan who resigned as Managing Director on October 1, 2014 and became professor of professor at Harvard University, Boston, United States.

PT Pertamina has activities in conducting business in the fields of energy and petrochemicals, divided into upstream and downstream sectors, and supported by the activities of subsidiaries and joint ventures. In 2013, Pertamina was ranked 122 out of Fortune Global's 500 best global companies. In carrying out the company's business activities, PT Pertamina has the company's foundation, guidelines and life philosophy to be able to direct the company towards a better future, more contribute to the country and the Indonesian Community. the guidelines are in the form of company vision and mission, namely:
    Become a World-Class National Energy Company.

    Running integrated oil, gas and new and renewable energy businesses, based on strong commercial principles.

In supporting the vision and mission, PT Pertamina set a long-term strategy of the company called "Aggressive in Upstream, Profitable in Downstream", where the Company seeks to expand its upstream business and make the oil and gas downstream sector business more efficient and profitable. Then PT Pertamina uses a solid foundation in carrying out its work to realize the company's vision and mission by implementing Corporate Governance in accordance with global best practice standards, and by carrying out corporate values ​​that have been owned and understood by all elements of the company, namely Clean, Competitive, Confident, Customer-focused, Commercial and Capable. Along with that, the company also continues to run its social and environmental programs programmed and structured, as a manifestation of the company's care and responsibility towards all its stakeholders.
Kantor pusat perusahaan : Company Center

PT Pertamina ( Persero )
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 1A,
Jakarta 10110
Telp : 500-000 (lokal)

PT Pertamina (Persero) has the responsibility to provide energy for Indonesia, starting from the process of finding energy sources, exploration, production, processing energy and distributing it to all corners of the country by considering the balance of the environment, security and encouraging innovation to bring quality products high. PT Pertamina (Persero) invited Indonesia's best people to join through a recruitment program to become part of Pertamina's new Energy. The rapid use of social media in Indonesia, is often used by a handful of people for crimes such as fraud that harm many people. Fraud with recruitment mode is very prevalent, the recruitment of PT Pertamina (Persero) and groups is often used as a mode of fraud. Therefore, the public must be careful in responding to or following up on information about recruitment.

PT Pertamina (Persero) through its recruitment program is currently opening the latest job openings in January 2019 to look for prospective workers who are ready to be deployed to every line or division of work in companies that are currently in need. With the holding of recruitment or job vacancies the company tries to find individuals who are in accordance with the needs of the company and of course in accordance with the interests and expectations of job seekers because the existence of a good relationship between labor and company will create a conducive atmosphere in the company environment. The following are the positions available at this time the job opportunity is opened by the company with the following qualifications.

Bergabunglah bersama kami untuk membangun perusahaan migas nasional kelas dunia!!

Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA-D3) Jawa Bagian Barat BDG 2019/2020 (F-BPABDG13)
Jawa Barat - Bandung

- Mengikuti program pendidikan yang komprehensif di dalam Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA) dimana akan terdapat kombinasi pendidikan dalam kelas & OJT (Program On Job Training)

- Mempelajari dimana kegiatan proses bisnis perusahaan secara menyeluruh, melakukan observasi dan analisa terhadap kondisi lapangan


- IPK minimal 2.75

- Berijazah Diploma 3/ D3 atau Surat Keterangan Lulus D3 dari perguruan tinggi terakreditasi (Min. B)
- Usia Maksimal 25 tahun pada tahun 2019/2020

- Sehat Jasmani & Rohani

- Min. English Score: TOEFL: PBT (350)/ IBT (30) /IELTS 4.5/TOEIC (400)

- Salinan Surat bebas NAPZA (Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif)

- Salinan SKCK

- Aktif berorganisasi dan Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT. PERTAMINA (bukan untuk ditempatkan di wilayah DKI Jakarta saja).

PT Pertamina (Persero) and its subsidiaries will only process shortlisted applicants whom meet to our standards and qualifications for the position.

PT Pertamina (Persero) and its subsidiaries do not solicit payments from job seekers or payments for fees, work permits or the like. Any requests for such payments should be regarded as fraudulent. If you receive a genuine offer of a job with us, whether the offer is made directly by us or through an agency, you will not be required to pay any money towards administration fees

Untuk informasi pendaftaran seleksi ke jepang bisa Anda lihat KIRIM LAMARAN ONLINE

Sumber : http://www.jobstreet.co.id/jobs/2013/6/default/40/871837.htm?fr=J&src=5

Closing Date:09-07-19

by jasa fotografer murah